Does The US Government Care About Solar Power Systems?
Green energy is a term, which refers to energy generation with the help of renewable sources like the sun, e.g. homemade solar panels.
No one can deny that this technology must be used soon as, in several years; we will run out of natural sources like coal, gas, etc. To focus a spot of light about solar panels, let us consider in this article what the plan of the US government is.
How does it look like in the United States?
Indeed, advanced countries like the United States paid attention to this problem early enough. In the USA, the government set a plan to get around 2.5% of its energy needs via solar systems by the end of 2005.
In the meantime, they achieved more what they planned as the government gets more than 5% of its needs using green energy. Even better, you will find there some nice courses about how to build your own solar panel system.
What are the sources used for energy production?
Indeed, they do not rely solely on the sun light. Rather, they use also windmills, biomass plants, recycling, etc. You should be also informed that the US government teaches its employees how to reduce the consumption of energy.
Furthermore, a governmental organization will be rewarded, if it opted for green energy.
In reality, there is a big need to consider this problem seriously especially in the winter, when the consumption is high due to heating purposes. However, in some hot places, the load will be higher in summer due the usage of air conditions.
So, in other words, green energy is useful the whole year time. You can start by yourself and power your house using the sunlight in summer. Why do not you opt for (DIY) do it yourself solar panels?
What is the true surprising fact?
One more nice fact about green energy in the US is the ambitious plan to get around 7.5% of the energy needs from renewable sources. This should be accomplished by the year 2012 or 2013.
To achieve this goal faster, the government encourages the citizens to opt for DIY solar panel kits to save their money paid to power companies.
What is the future of green energy?
In a nutshell, green energy is the future. What will we do in 10-20 years, when we ran out of coal and gas? I would strongly advise you to start now to contribute in saving energy and keep your environment pollution-free. By this time in few months, you may be able to use solar hot water systems.
So, on the way to this nice goal, you should devote enough time and energy to look now how to build your own solar panels.
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